A Medical Marijuana Evaluation Is the First Step To Improve Your Quality of Life: Here’s How

medical marijuana evaluation


Marijuana – and its potential medicinal properties – has been the focus of research and studies for several decades. Today, MMJ – or medical marijuana – is legal in 35 states in the US, and has been improving the quality of life of over 3.6 million people.

If you have been considering using marijuana as a medical treatment, the first step to regain your health and improve your quality of life is to undergo a medical marijuana consultation.

This evaluation is conducted by a licensed physician, who will review your health, lifestyle, habits, and treatment needs to determine whether MMJ is the right option for your needs.

If you are approved, your doctor will grant you a 710 Card, which allows you to benefit from high-quality marijuana to relieve your medical conditions. Here are just some of the benefits of choosing to undergo a medical marijuana evaluation.

Medical Marijuana Can Be Beneficial for a Range of Conditions

Medical marijuana has been shown to help with a range of medical conditions. However, you will need to check your state’s medical marijuana program to understand what conditions qualify for a medical marijuana card.

Some common qualifying conditions include:

  • Cancer
  • Terminal illness
  • Glaucoma
  • Alzheimer’s disease
  • Parkinson’s disease
  • PTSD
  • Severe pain and nausea
  • Seizures

However, some patients might be approved for other severe and life-changing medical conditions. Thanks to the medicinal properties of marijuana, a treatment based on its healing compounds can improve your quality of life by helping with pain management, relaxation, and treatment efficiency. Ultimately, the physician conducting the evaluation will review your situation and decide whether medical marijuana is the right option for your needs.

A Marijuana Card Allows You Access Affordable Treatment

Those who access marijuana from recreational retail outlets often face far higher costs compared to medical marijuana patients who hold an MMJ card.

That is because after recreational marijuana became legal in several locations across the US, each state added taxes to the sale, import, and export of this product, thus increasing the product’s cost.

By applying for a medical marijuana card, you can avoid paying the additional taxes that recreational customers might have to pay. While the price of marijuana still includes some state and federal taxes, you can save between 15% and 37% on the cost of your treatment. Over a year, this can amount to thousands of dollars!

A Medical Marijuana Card Grants You Legal Protection

A medical marijuana card can help you protect yourself in the eyes of the law, especially if you become legally implicated because of marijuana use. Thanks to a state-recognized medical marijuana card, you can prove that you are making use of it under the recommendation of an expert physician.

Additionally, a medical card allows patients below the age of 21 to use marijuana and ensures that holders can buy higher quantities than the limits set for recreational use.

Medical Recommendations Give You Access to High-Quality Marijuana

While buying marijuana from retail outlets does not give you any guarantee on the quality and potency of the product, an MMJ card allows you to access medical dispensaries. In turn, this can help you invest in a treatment that is high in quality, medical-grade, and suitable for your specific health condition.

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